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  • Writer's pictureThe Fact Hunter

"Covid" Returns To The World Stage

On July 17th, it was announced that Joe Biden tested positive for Covid-19 and would self-isolate in Delaware, according to the White House.

Yesterday, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman announced that he"tested positive for COVID-19, was experiencing mild symptoms and will be working from home."

Last week, The Tour de France reinstated COVID-19 protective measures, requiring race organizers, media, and guests to wear masks when in contact with riders and team staff. This protocol was announced by race organizer ASO on Sunday morning after several recent COVID-19 cases among the peloton.

Yesterday, USA Today published an article entitled "My bags were packed, then I got COVID. What should I do? Travel options to weigh." The article stops short of telling you not to fly, but makes it very clear you are risking the lives of millions if you leave the house.

The bigger news came out of Europe last week. A vaccination card is being piloted in 5 European countries: Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany & Portugal. From the official website of the pilot program:

Despite decades of awareness, zoonotic diseases – those transmitted from animals to humans – continue to pose a significant threat to global health. In the face of the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, our global lack of preparedness for such outbreaks became starkly apparent.

However, it also sparked a surge of innovation, leading to the rapid deployment of multidisciplinary approaches and new technologies that helped us understand, treat, and protect against the virus, ultimately bringing the crisis under control. These innovations included new medicinal products, such as vaccines, as well as advanced tools like those for modeling and forecasting.

As Europe transitions from emergency measures to long-term COVID-19 management, there is a critical opportunity to strengthen resilience and increase preparedness for future health threats. The European Vaccination Beyond COVID-19 (EUVABECO) project seeks to leverage this momentum by initiating pilot projects to develop and test implementation plans for tools that support both routine and crisis vaccination practices.


One key tool that EUVABECO will introduce is the European Vaccination Card (EVC). Scheduled for launch in September 2024, the EVC will initially be piloted in five pilot countries: Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany, and Portugal. The card aims to empower individuals by consolidating all their vaccination data in one easily accessible location. It will be available in various formats, including printed cards, mailed copies, and digital versions for smartphones.

Now for the part that should grab everyone's attention: Developed during the COVID-19 pandemic for the EU Digital COVID Certificate, the GDHCN is now managed by the World Health Organization, enabling the authenticity of digital vaccination records to be ensured.

Enter the WHO. Friends, this mess is far from over. Now is the time to reflect, and decide what you would do if presented with "jab or job"again. If they do put this back in play this fall, I really hope people will have the intestinal fortitude to stand up against what truly is medical tyranny.

Keep your head on a swivel,


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Aug 07

Read it for yourselves. The underline words correspond to the links;Despite decades of awareness, zoonotic diseases – those transmitted from animals to humans – continue to pose a significant threat to global health.[1] In the face of the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, our global lack of preparedness for such outbreaks became starkly apparent.

However, it also sparked a surge of innovation, leading to the rapid deployment of multidisciplinary approaches and new technologies that helped us understand, treat, and protect against the virus, ultimately bringing.


Allison Mathews
Allison Mathews
Jul 29

RNA can't pandemic #provemewrong


Jul 29

Thanks George,... 1984 language, "the card aims to empower individuals..." lol


Jul 29

Biblical world view.


Jul 29

yes, it sure is. Talked to a Zoologist he said its species specific, which their he added there are "mad scientists", they want bio-engineered weapon. I also continued reading from [Ma 24:6-7] At this point, Jesus begins giving the signs of His coming, no ordinary local wars would constitute a sign, since they would always be taking place. But the initial sign would be a widespread war w/ nations and kingdoms involved on each side, accompanied or followed by widespread famines, pestilences, and earthquakes. All these are the beginning of sorrows. In preparation for the birth of the new age to come.

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