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Guest Commentary

Writer's picture: Peter Peter

I received an email from a listener "Peter" yesterday. I found it very intriguing, and asked if I could share it with our audience. Feel free to share your thoughts below in the comment section.


There is a war against us, especially hetero white christian males. Actual invasion at our borders, depletion of our resources, demoralization, innocents maimed, raped, killed, shock and awe to keep us off balance, a decrease in our liberties, privacy, health.

Life should not be this difficult in this day and age and in our land of abundance, but yet we are being squeezed and manipulated by manufactured crisis in food and energy costs and quality of life issues.

We are not a democracy, we are ruled by criminal gangs as politicians and media fill in as fronts and gatekeepers to do us harm. We are at a point where we can prove fake news (reinforced by entertainment and movies, becomes fake history) but the general public does not see the big picture as it comes so hard and fast now, and as the average person is just trying to make it through each day, they only see bits and pieces like an abstract painting that has no outline or structure.

We have no one to speak for us or to represent us. There is no place of refuge or organization or gathering place where we can stand united in strength and common cause, we have no strategy, no tactics, no leadership or direction. Nowhere do we have groups that are purpose made with intent like NGO's, or CFR, Trilateral, Atlantic Council, Foundations, World Bank, WEF etc with planning and a history and an unlimited use of money and resources in an attack to enslave humanity. These groups are generational and built upon strength and accumulated power over a hundred years and all our government agencies have been suborned and overtaken to serve against our interests.

There is not one instance of us standing up or not retreating from their onslaught. They dictate the narrative, from "911" - we must trade freedom for security - to Russian collusion bullshit or the dialectic that is allowable between Trump and Biden/Harris that blinds out any narrative or discussions outside those parameters. We are in constant reaction to their dictates and dancing to their tune instead of proactively setting our own agendas and needs. We have no white papers or studies like the UN or books like Saul Alinsky or gatherings like Bilderberger or WEF forums. They plan, They execute, They do.

Our podcasts and articles are limited in time and scope and they are observational. like describing a movie or sports event as opposed to being analytical and advancing.

Do we not have reason to gather, to surround our wagons or at least ring the town bell? Is there no danger or concern? All is well, we are not under attack? Our survival instinct has been numbed (as has our IQ and fertility rate) and we have been disoriented and confused as to not see or make out the patterns of totality and deceit. They mean us harm.... They will kill us if we do not defend ourselves ... This is not hyperbole, this is not exaggeration.

I believe we are facing an existential event, a battle of life and death, of good and evil and others smarter than me like Bret Weinstein, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Catherine Austin Fitts  are speaking in these same terms and speaking the word evil . At the very least, something is going on and how are we coming to this same place and at the very least it is highly questionable and we must be allowed to ask questions, and search for answers and connections not just as and academic exercise or curiosity sake but for our very survival, we must unite in urgency and in the name of humanity . I ain't no Von Clauswitz, but I do know that no individual is capable of this task. We need critical mass. At some point people like you and people like me must metaphorically unite and get together in the same room to brainstorm, discuss, and plan. I am no General Patton , but in that room there will be one, just as there will be others with resources and intelligence and strengths and good will.

WE HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT !   (but maybe we should )




The Fact Hunter
The Fact Hunter
Nov 20, 2024

Reply from "Richard" who emailed me this response: Dear "Peter." You are smarter than you give yourself credit for. Those you mention such as Tucker Carlson etc. are calling out a lot of truth, saying WHAT is happening but stopping just short of explaining WHY. You can easily understand the present situation as well as them if you study real history such as the intent of the Frankfurt School or the Coudenhof Kalergi Plan. But to fully understand the WHY you must understand the bible and only God is capable of revealing to you all its truth. The truth starts with Genesis 3:15, the seed war between the seed of Adam , made in His image, against the enemies seed…

Nov 20, 2024
Replying to

Very interesting material you've provided here. This is the first time I've actually paid attetntion to someone claiming that Eve was raped. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but could you provide a source to this claim? (I'm not being that little faggoty "gimme your source" guy. I genuinely want to read into this.)


Nov 20, 2024

Make the first move then "Peter". Unfortunately, you could be a government asset that is provoking/instigating/infiltrating this group of ours. To get my family and i on board, you would need to have more skin in the game than just a very well written email. (Emphasis on the well written). It's like that video of the guy dancing alone at a concert. It takes 1 other person to get everyone else to join him before everyone else will join. But the second person needs to know that the first was already dancing with good intentions before he commits.


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