I just got back from my walk (I am working hard to get back into shape). It was a beautiful morning so I started snapping some pictures of the garden. My wife has quite the green thumb and has been gardening since she was a toddler. Growing up in Europe in the 70s and 80s, you grew your own food. They relied very little on the grocery market system.
I hope you enjoy the pics and you are able to sustain yourself in some way or fashion. "The other shoe" will be dropping soon, I hope you're ready for it!
God bless,

Cayenne pepper is the healthiest pepper on earth.
d here is one to encourage you along your journey. YouTube channel : Heart and Homestead with Dawn.
Dear brother George!❤️ Thank you for sharing the pics and inspiration to be prepared. We live in Minneapolis, Minnesota and have four small square box gardens in our backyard, which is hardly enough to feed our whole family (we still have 7 of our 8 children who live at home), but it’s better than nothing. So I’m extremely sobered recognizing how dependent we are on grocery stores. We have thought about moving for years, but for many reasons have not done it. At times I sense that God has planted us right where he wants us for such a time as this, but I have to be honest that I could just be making excuses too. Because I don’t have…
Wow! So very blessed. I wish we were that blessed. We moved to South Carolina about 2 years ago and still living in an apartment. We have plenty of the survival food and water in storage. My husband learning canning and making tinctures but we could do more if we only had a home, waiting for the hubby to find work. Many blessings to you George and to your wife. Thank you for all you are doing to spread the TRUTH, not a belief but the TRUTH!
Jenn 😊
Outstanding George and Mrs!