Brian from "High Impact Flix" had the quote of the weekend: July 13, 2024 - The day all critical thinking was sucked out of the room...
EVERYTHING that happens on the world's stage is scripted. Now, do regular people like you, or I, or 50-year-old Corey Comperatore... Oh wait, CC=33.
Let's make another thing clear. If the CIA wants someone dead, they follow through with it. This tells me in this is just step one of whatever they have up their sleeve. Will part 2 consist of a "crazed MAGA Republican getting justice on the left by taking out Biden?" I hope not, that would mean their plan would be a replay of the summer of 2020.
People need to be careful, the Bolshevik Communists who are running the country want to flush out everyone who does not support their agenda. After the "shooting" Saturday, people who were closeted "MAGAs" came out in full force:

This is what politics at the Federal level have become. The single most divisive weapon the puppeteers have. So many people were waking up after the COVID BS, and just like that, people are right back to sleep.
On another note, I want you to watch another Freemason event that happened on March 30, 1981 (33 LOL). What I want you to pay particular attention to is how quickly the Secret Service dispatch Ronald Reagan into the limo:
Now I want you to watch how long they allow Trump to stand there and yell "fight". Remember, there is no way they know at this point there was only one "shooter":
Trump was standing up for 21 seconds before they moved him to the exit vehicle. That goes against every standard operation procedure for every Personnel Security Detail in the world. Just because a shooter is down, does NOT mean the threat has passed.
Anyone who has spent more than a day in a combat zone knows that "complex attacks" are prevelant, which means there is an initial attack (like gunfire), and then attack again via more gunfire from other angles, or uses of explosives.
We either have the absolute worst Secret Service in the world, or this was the most scripted event in quite sometime. OR, it was a combination of the two. These images have gotten several laughs over the last few days.

I went to the Secret Service YouTube channel and found this gem from June, where the SS celebrated "Pride Month." Yep, they are more proud of their diversity than they are accomplishing their mission. Here's the video: (Episode 66 BTW, you can't make this stuff up).
Ugh... There's more amazing videos like that on their page. The point is that these subversive agencies have occupied their ranks with immoral people who are more aligned to their paycheck than their moral compass. You should be very worried, just ask the J6ers how that has worked out for them.
In a closing note, the shooter (cue the three names) Thomas Matthew Crooks just happened to be in a BlackRock commercial in February of 2023. The CIA, FBI, President etc all answer to BlackRock & Vanguard, so this should not come as any surprise. here's the video. (Note: Crooks can be seen at the 18 second mark).
This man was a part of MK Ultra beyond any doubt. All the world's a stage my friends. Ensure we keep our emotions in check. People who make decisions based on emotions usually regret them. More on tomorrow's podcast.
God bless,
"Will part 2 consist of a crazed MAGA Republican getting justice on the left by taking out Biden?"......Why would they.... It would be like kicking a kitten or slapping a baby.
All I know is this Iwo Jima raising the flag picture was staged.. Is there a comparison???
Also after president Trump gets off stage there are two guys behind the stage looking around … something is very strange about those guys… were they secret service? Crisis actors? Who knows… I honestly don’t think president trump knew this was coming… I think the deep state wanted him dead so WEF graduate Nikki Haley and Gov of NH Sununu ( the o choice) would be the Republicans candidate…and civil war would have happened.. and I do think god stepped in. Despite one of your shows where the guy said medjugorie is fake… I don’t believe it… I’ve spoken to several people who…
I'm not so inclined to jump to an MK ULTRA conclusion. The term is overused, often imprecisely. Soon enough, people will become desensitized to the idea of it, opening the door to mainstream new levels of terror/horror.
Miles Mathis had a more compelling take (in my estimation); Crooks was likely going into intel & this was a good way to fake his death while simultaneously dousing everyone with red, white & blue patriotic propaganda.
George, thanks so much for all you do. Without the Fact Hunter I would not be nearly as awake to what's going on in the world. This was an excellent analysis of the staged, MK ultra "assassination attempt". Clearly, Trump is the bait and switch to get America into full fledged marxist/zionist rule. Sadly, many people will realize it when it's too late.
Hey, excellent points... I hadnt heard that ss fired first idea or shoes Masonic, etc., interesting. You're a great writer, no need to eat wet cat food, no, haha.